Parish Council
Bramshaw Parish Council is the first tier of local government, and is responsible for:
- Setting the annual precept and dispersing funds to support its activities
- Commenting on planning and treeworks applications made to New Forest National Planning Authority (NFNPA)
- Ensuring Hampshire County Council Highways dept. is aware of problems with highways, including pot-holes
- Monitors and improves footpaths.
- Recommends signage and highway improvements.
- Using its statutory powers to provide benefits to the community on matters not covered in the above list
There are seven seats on the council. Elections are held every four years. Where a vacancy falls in the intervening period, the vacancy will be advertised and an eligible candidate may be co-opted.
View their completed Register of Members' Interests held by New Forest District Council
Name | Contact |
Mark Medley : Chair, Planning |
07973 228895 |
Martin Vann: Vice Chair, Planning, Village Hall |
02380 814133 |
Sue Bennison: Highways, NE Quadrant, NFNPA (Consultative Panel) |
02380 813442 |
Adam Coutts | |
Kay Harrison: Lengthsman |
02380 812025 |
Carl Seabourne | |
Vaughan Thomas | |
Diane O'Grady: Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer | |
Councillor Edward Heron (HCC) | |